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Personalized Learning: The Key to Unlocking Individual Potential in a Digital World


Personalized learning, differentiated learning, individualized learning, performance goals, Learning Journeys, social learning, online learning…

it’s a whirlwind of terms. But what do we actually mean when we talk about personalized learning? In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the concept of personalized learning and its implications in today’s digital learning landscape.

Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization

At the heart of personalized learning is the learner. In contrast, differentiated and individualized learning place the educator, trainer, or facilitator at the center. To break it down:

  • Differentiated learning: The educator provides tailored guidance, instructions, and assignments to groups of learners based on the group’s needs at that particular moment.
  • Individualized learning: Here, the educator focuses on individuals, offering customized support and tasks based on each learner’s needs at that time.
  • Personalized learning: The learner takes the reins. They set their own goals, seek out the appropriate content, and decide on the support they need to succeed. Typically, this is done digitally, in an online learning environment where the learner is at the forefront of their journey.

Personalized Learning = Goal Setting

In personalized learning, setting goals is the foundation. Whether these are learning objectives or performance goals, learners drive their progress by acquiring knowledge, mastering skills, and developing new attitudes. While the overarching goals may be pre-determined by an organization or educational institution, how the learner achieves them — and with what interim steps — is entirely up to them.

Personalized Learning Thrives with Support

While the learner drives the process, support is key to achieving success. A facilitator or moderator can guide learners within an online environment, helping them refine their goals and ensure they align with the learner’s abilities. Facilitators can also break long-term goals into manageable short-term steps, ensuring learners stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

The Role of Technology in Learning

Gone are the days when learning solely involved books. Technology has become an integral part of daily learning, and this trend continues to grow. With technological advancements comes an increase in data, which makes learning processes more efficient and tailored. Data offers insights into how learners approach topics, revealing patterns that can inform future learning strategies. For instance, observing how top-performing learners succeed can offer valuable lessons for others.

Driven by Data or Driven by People?

With a wealth of data, Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) like StreamLXP can suggest relevant content to learners — much like Netflix recommends new shows based on your viewing history. However, it’s important to note that in personalized learning, the learner remains in control. They decide how much they want to be guided by data or by human support. A facilitator or platform like StreamLXP can assist in making these decisions, offering a flexible mix of learning modalities. This might include a traditional classroom setting, e-learning modules, or even a learning path guided by a coach.

There’s No “Wrong” Way to Learn

One of the most powerful aspects of personalized learning is that there is no right or wrong way to approach it. The learner chooses what works best for them at any given time. It could be a self-directed journey where the learner charts their own course, or an expert-directed path with the help of a coach or mentor. Some may prefer learning through dynamic recommendations, where suggestions are based on previous learning experiences, while others might opt for a fully data-driven approach through adaptive learning. Platforms like StreamLXP make these decisions seamless, empowering learners to take control of their educational experience.

Ready to Personalize Your Learning Journey?

In today’s fast-paced world, personalized learning offers a flexible and effective approach to skill development and knowledge acquisition. Whether you prefer to learn on your own, with expert guidance, or through the power of data-driven insights, personalized learning provides the freedom to choose what works best for you.

Curious to learn more?
Now’s the perfect time to explore personalization in action! Sign up for our MOOC on Personalized Learning, a free 4-week course where L&D professionals come together to share insights and strategies. Don’t miss out! Register now.