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Trends in learning: back to basics, the Learning Suite and focus on skills


Next Learning Valley moves with the latest trends in learning. For years. Where we once started with MOOCs and SPOCs, we are now committed to implementing a Learning Suite: a learning ecosystem within organizations that is part of the strategy. A vision of learning that is inextricably linked to the goals, mission and ambitions of companies. NLV founders Jos and François share the latest developments in learning.

François continues: "It is striking that more and more companies are going back to basics and asking themselves: what is learning anyway? How do I facilitate it as well as possible within my company? They are not looking first at an instrument, but mainly at how learning 'works' and how they can best motivate their employees. The instrument (a learning platform) is an aid to this. A very cool development that fits well with how we look at learning. Because you can have such a beautiful learning environment; if your employees are not motivated, nothing will happen."

Jos adds: "We are indeed noticing a reorientation in the market. A learning management system (LMS) in which you only offer content is declining in popularity. While more and more organizations are betting on a new vision of learning, with different tools and links that exactly fit an organization's strategic goals. A Learning Experience Platform (LXP), or even better, a Learning Suite. In fact, organizations want their vision of learning to reflect their organizational chart. Also, more and more companies and education providers want you to think with them, even after they purchase any learning platform."

François: "Furthermore, we see terminology shifting: LMS and LXP are quite often confused. And data-driven learning has almost completely disappeared from the jargon: now people talk about 'insights into learning' or 'learning to automate'. Data still plays an important role in this, of course. That terminology is ambiguous, and suits the VUCA world we live in."

"Because we live in this Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, it is necessary that employees continue to develop. Especially since there is currently a shortage of skilled people in the marketplace. Upskilling and reskilling is thus becoming increasingly important within organizations. Think of skills such as leadership, data analysis or communication skills," Jos adds. François: "We encourage that and see more and more companies asking themselves the question: how are we going to tackle that? At Next Learning Valley, as an education implementation partner there, we like to think along."

Jos: "We see that there are more and more requests for information (rfi) and requests for proposal (rfp) coming our way: organizations are looking for information about what is possible with learning tools and platforms ánd about how they embed that in their organization." François: "The nice thing is that the form of those requests is changing. You used to deliver large amounts of text, whereas now you are freer in how you present yourself. That makes us happy. Precisely because then we can already show how we position ourselves as Next Learning Valley."


Want to know more about our Learning Suite, learning platforms or implementation of a new vision of learning?
Feel free to get in touch!